TKA Families,

I am excited to announce our upcoming Spiritual Emphasis Week at The King’s Academy, happening from Monday, September 30 to Thursday, October 3. The theme for this semester is “Unveiled: Discovering Your True Identity in Christ,” a journey that will encourage our students to explore who they are in Christ and embrace the truth that God has uniquely created them for a divine purpose.

In a world where identity is often shaped by culture, peers, and external expectations, it is vital that our students understand their true identity in Christ. This week will be an opportunity for them to discover their worth, rooted in the unchanging love of God. We will focus on how they are fearfully and wonderfully made, chosen and beloved, and called to live out their Christ-centered identity with confidence.

I ask for your prayers as we prepare for this impactful week. May God work deeply in the hearts of our students as they grow in their understanding of His love and purpose for their lives.

In Christ,

Blake Fuller

Chief Communications Officer and Director of Spiritual Formation
The King’s Academy

Meet the Speaker!


We are excited to welcome Dominic Kendall as our speaker for Spiritual Emphasis Week. Dominic is a youth pastor at Connect Church in Sevierville and has been serving in ministry for over 15 years. His passion is helping young people understand their identity in Christ and equipping them to live out their faith with boldness and purpose. Dominic’s engaging speaking style and heart for students will inspire and challenge our young people throughout the week.



Identity Crisis:Understanding the Search for Meaning

On the first day, we’ll confront the reality that many of us struggle with understanding who we are. The world often tries to define us by our appearance, achievements, or the opinions of others, but Psalm 139:14 reminds us that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Our students will explore what it means to be created by God with purpose and value, discovering that their true worth is found in Him alone.


Chosen and Beloved: Embracing God’s Affirmation

On Day 2, we will explore the beautiful truth found in 1 Peter 2:9—that we are God’s chosen people, His special possession. In a world that often makes us feel unwanted or insignificant, this day will remind students that they are deeply loved and set apart by God for a unique purpose.


Rooted and Grounded: Finding Stability in Christ

As we move through the week, Day 3 will focus on finding our security and stability in Christ, using Colossians 2:6-7 as a guide. With so many things in life pulling us in different directions, it is essential for our students to be “rooted and built up” in their faith, standing firm in their relationship with Jesus.


Transformed: Living Out Your Christ-Centered Identity

We will wrap up Spiritual Emphasis Week by focusing on transformation. Romans 12:2 challenges us not to conform to the world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. On this final day, students will reflect on how God is changing them from the inside out and how their true identity in Christ should be lived out in their everyday lives.

Daily Devotions:
